Our clinic
The Professional Hair Clinic is located at the bottom of the Buda Castle, on Lovas Road. A total of two operating theatres and a consultation room ensure uninterrupted, continuous and discreet care for our patients. Surgeries are performed on weekdays in the morning and afternoon, but hair transplantation is also available on weekends. Our clinic is equipped to the highest hygiene standards and the latest technological standards!

Access to our clinic
From SZÉLL KÁLMÁN TÉR: Take the Castle bus no.16 or 16A to Szentháromság tér. After alighting, turn right into Szentháromság Street, at the end of which a staircase leads down to Lovas Street. On arrival, turn right and you will soon find number 10.
From the Déli train station: crossing Vérmező you will reach Attila Street. You will be confronted with the Bugat staircase which leads up to the Lovas street. Immediately at the top of the stairs, you'll find our clinic.
BY CAR: Drive over the Elisabeth Bridge and onto Attila Road. At Dózsa György Square turn right onto Palota út. Follow this road uphill, then turn left just before the barrier.
Our clinic
A Professional Hair Hajklinika a budai Vár aljában, a Lovas úton működik. Az épület 2 szintjén összesen 2 műtő és 2 konzultációs helyiség biztosítja pácienseink zavartalan, folyamatos és diszkrét ellátását. Műtéteket hétköznapokon délelőtt és délután is tartunk, de hétvégén is van lehetőség a hajbeültetés elvégzésére. Klinikánk felszereltsége a legmagasabb higiéniai előírásoknak és a legmodernebb technológiai standardoknak felel meg!

Access to our clinic
From SZÉLL KÁLMÁN TÉR: Take the Castle bus no.16 or 16A to Szentháromság tér. After alighting, turn right into Szentháromság Street, at the end of which a staircase leads down to Lovas Street. On arrival, turn right and you will soon find number 10.
From the Déli train station: crossing Vérmező you will reach Attila Street. You will be confronted with the Bugat staircase which leads up to the Lovas street. Immediately at the top of the stairs, you'll find our clinic.
BY CAR: Drive over the Elisabeth Bridge and onto Attila Road. At Dózsa György Square turn right onto Palota út. Follow this road uphill, then turn left just before the barrier.
Our staff

Dr. Bagosi Mária
hair transplant specialist

Dr. Csete Hanna
hair transplant specialist

Dr. Illés Dorottya
hair transplant specialist

Dr. Koleszár Vivien
hair transplant specialist

Batta Virág

Gál Viktória
hair transplantation assistant

Mester Adrienn
hair transplantation assistant

Székely Viktória Rózsa
vezető műtős szakasszisztens

Gabriella Bíró

Dr. Bagosi Mária

Dr. Csete Hanna
hair transplant specialist

Dr. Koleszár Vivien

Batta Virág

Gál Viktória

Mester Adrienn
hair transplantation assistant

Viktória Rózsa

Gabriella Bíró
Senior specialist consultant