Hair transplant for men
Why do we lose our hair?
In the case of 80% of men, the most common cause is the DHT hormone, which causes the size of the hair follicles on the top of the head to decrease, the hair strands to become thinner, and the mass of the hair to thin. In the process of hair deterioration, the front line, the top of the head and the rotating areas are affected.
How does hair transplantation work?
The hairs in the back of the head are a different type to the hairs on the top of the head, they do not respond to the hormone and do not fall out. The hair in the back of the head (donor) area is usually thick. During the hair transplantation procedure, hairs from this donor area are transplanted to the hairless areas.
There is a wide range of shampoos, hair drops and vitamins to help with hair loss, but unfortunately they are not a permanent solution for men's genetic hair loss.
"The current state of science is that the only lifelong solution to baldness is hair transplantation"

We have the solution!
According to the current state of science, the only permanent solution to baldness is hair transplantation.
With the FUE2 Safe System hair transplantation method, we can achieve the best possible results, with a painless procedure and the least possible discomfort.
At our clinic, the most trained doctors work with the most modern FUE2 Safe System hair transplant method. During the procedure, we guarantee a completely pain-free and scar-free, scar-free final result.
We offer a maximum hair guarantee for hair transplantation, the survival rate of new hairs is at least 95%. In addition, we offer unique hair treatment after-treatments and free control examinations with which beautiful, rich hair can be achieved and maintained in the long term.
Ismerd meg a FUE2 technológiát, tudd meg pontosan, óráról-órára mi történik veled a műtét napján.

They said about us
"Approaching the age of 40, I was balding so much that I think I looked 10 years older than my age. With a hair transplant, I regained these 10 years and it became so natural that even hairdressers can't tell that it's transplanted hair."
László (41)
How painful is the implantation?
Before the hair transplant, you will receive a local anaesthetic in the form of an injection, which is uncomfortable, but you will not feel any pain afterwards. Of course, people's pain thresholds vary, but in general, thanks to the anaesthesia, you will not feel any pain during the operation, just a little pressure.
And what if the hairs that were transplanted fall out again? Have I thrown a lot of money out the window?
The hairs on the back of your head do not respond to the hormone DHT, so the hairs transplanted from the back of your head will not fall out on the top of your head. Never. If you follow the doctor's instructions after the operation, we guarantee that 98% of the transplanted hair will stay in place for the rest of your life. If it does fall out, we will undertake to replant the missing hairs free of charge.
How will I look, isn't this all too fake?
We transplant the hair from the back of your head to the top of your head. Since we build from your own hair, the new hairs will blend in with their surroundings, even a hairdresser wouldn't be able to tell you've had a hair transplant. We never work with foreign hair or artificial material.
But what will my environment say?
After the operation, it takes 6-8 months for the hair follicles to strengthen in their new location and for the hairs to grow out. This gradualness gives you and your environment time to get used to the change.
This looks like a serious intervention! I'd like to know who to trust with my head...
Hair transplantation is plastic surgery. The procedure is performed by qualified, experienced doctors. With more than 1,000 operations performed and nearly 4 million hair transplants behind us, we can say: you'll be in safe hands with us!
If you've decided to take back 10 years of your life with hair transplantation, we welcome
you for a free, no obligation medical consultation.
Mi pontosan a folyamat menete?
- As a first step, sign up for a free consultation and hair test. At our clinic, you have the option of making a flexible appointment, we also accept you in the evening hours.
- During the consultation, we assess the condition of your hair and scalp by hand and with a hair camera. We plan the new hairline together, our doctor calculates how many hairs will be transplanted to achieve the desired state. We will inform you in detail about the tasks related to the surgery, we will discuss the possible date of the surgery, and we will also discuss the finances. We will provide you with the entire consultation material in writing to make your decision easier.
- After your feedback, we will book a suitable time for you.
- The surgery takes place in a pleasant environment, from morning to afternoon, and lunch is provided at noon. The morning starts with a haircut (up to 2 mm hair size) followed by local anesthesia. In the morning, hair bulb groups are extracted using FUE2 technology (with 0.7 and 0.9 circular knives), then in the afternoon, the hair bulb groups are replanted in areas lacking hair.
- In the post-surgery period, we provide hair medical follow-up treatments and free control examinations in order to achieve and maintain the perfect final result.
- Hair growth begins after three months, and the end result will be visible after a year.