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The more rare alopecia

Androgén alopéciaIn women with androgenic alopecia, increased levels of the male sex hormone are responsible for hair loss. Unlike men, this type of baldness fortunately does not mean permanent loss of hair in some areas. Hair starts to fall out evenly over the whole scalp. The hair texture thins and becomes hair-like. It can also be associated with greasiness, where the scalp becomes shinier. Almost every woman copes with this as she reaches a changing age, but some women develop this condition at a very young age, between 18 and 23. The hormone imbalance is hereditary, but the good news is that with the right expertise, it can be effectively treated, as can hair loss.

Toxikus alopéciáThis is called toxic alopecia, where the hair loss is caused by a build-up of toxins in the body. The toxic substances are transported to the hair follicles through the bloodstream and damage them, causing them to fall out. These harmful substances can be absorbed into the body through medication or produced by the body during an illness, such as dysentery. The best known of these dangerous poisons is thallium, which used to be used to treat children's ringworm. Today it is only found in rat and insecticide products. Overdose of certain vitamins can also cause toxic hair loss,

A more specific case is that alopécia symptomatica-of alopecia symptomatica, where hair is shed as a result of a continuous stimulus, which may be psychological in addition to toxic. It is also curable.

The seborrhoeas alopeciák The development of seborrhoeic alopecia is partly a matter of genetics. It can occur in both sexes in adolescence. In this disease, the scalp has an increased production of sebum, which causes the already sloughed-off skin plates to stick together, preventing the scalp from exfoliating healthily.
There are two types, depending on the amount of sebum or dead skin cells is greater in the scalp exudate. Those with more sebum are seborrhoea oleosa-nak called seborrhoea oleosa. The scalp is shinier and may sometimes be acne-prone. Where there are more epithelial cells, seborrhoea siccana-nak it is called seborrhoea siccana. In this case the scalp is dehydrated, i.e. dry and shiny. There is also a very rare form where the areas of discharge become inflamed, itchy and itchy, called seborrhoeás dermatitisnek Unfortunately, these cannot be cured permanently, only treated.

Az alopécia seborrhoica can be acquired or inherited. Again, it is caused by a hormonal imbalance, namely a disorder of the adrenal glands. The baldness starts at the temples and runs around the top of the head on both sides. Oily skin and scaly itching can often accompany it, so it can easily lead to the development of seborrhoea.
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