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HAJBEÜLTETÉSRE SPECIALIZÁLÓDOTT EXKLUZÍV RENDELŐNK KERESI ÚJ ORVOSÁT! A Professional Hair egy elismert hajklinika Budapesten, amely a legmodernebb hajbeültetési technikákat alkalmazza.  Olyan orvost keresünk, aki szívesen csatlakozna hozzánk az 1. kerületi klinikánkra, és részt venne a pácienseink professzionális ellátásában. Feladatok: Hajbeültetési eljárások végrehajtása Kontrollvizsgálatok elvégzése a beavatkozás után Szakmai konzultációk nyújtása a páciensek számára Laborvizsgálatok kiértékelése […]

Can baldness be inherited?

If you notice that your hair has started to fall out, it's not necessarily a big problem. Losing 100 hairs a day is nothing to worry about, as 90% of the 100,000 hair follicles on your head grow back on their own. It is a continuous cycle, with new hair always growing in place of the hair that has died.

Hair loss due to anaemia?

Few people think about it because anaemia actually develops slowly and insidiously in the body. Its side effects are manifold, there is no clear sign and it can only generally be said to be caused by iron deficiency.

What is the difference between hair loss and when the hair is falling out?

Apparently nothing, but in reality they are completely different. In hair loss, the hair strands fall out in clumps along with the hair follicles, whereas when we say his/her hair is falling out, the hair strands just break off and that's why it can appear as hair loss. The main difference between them lies in the conditions under which it occurs.

Hair can also be at risk in everyday work

In many professions, there are regulations on what workers must wear at work. Mandatory headgear, the uncleanliness of the environment, can all affect the health of their hair.

Hair loss can also be caused by diabetes

Férfi hajbeültetés eredménye

Our hair falls out every day due to natural replacement, it's just not always how much. Losing 70 to 100 hairs a day is normal, but losing more than 150 hairs can be a sign of a disease, even hereditary baldness. Unfortunately, hair loss as a symptom can also occur in people with diabetes.