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What is the difference between hair loss and when the hair is falling out?

As we have mentioned in many of our previous articles, hair loss there is no single cause for the onset of hair loss. The list is quite long from the general to the more serious. Hair loss can be caused by sudden stress, deep depression, poor diet and lifestyle, lack of exercise, temporary vitamin deficiencies, or even side effects of medications. Examples include PCOS, a hormonal disorder most commonly found in women, thyroid disease and diabetes. But hair loss can also be caused by harmful addictions, alcohol and excessive smoking. As the range is really quite wide, it's a shame to experiment at home! If you're experiencing signs of hair loss, it's worth consulting an expert! With many years of experience, they can easily investigate and determine whether reversible or hereditary baldness may be the cause. For the latter, there is no known cure today. The only way to regain lost hair is through hair transplantation.

While in most cases reversing hair loss is the result of a lengthy and often unconscious act, hair loss can only be caused by irresponsibility. Hair loss occur if we do not take proper care of our hair and expose it to harmful influences. The factors that are most drying and prone to breakage are heat
and malnutrition. Avoid scorching sunlight, scorching blow- drying and hair straightening if you want healthy hair! Always make sure to replenish the moisture in your hair, both externally and internally, to avoid
and breakage of the hair strands! Hair loss can still be easily reversed if we catch the problem early enough. However, if it is too late, it can easily increase the dryness of the hair and affect the hair follicles damage.
a károsodás.

Take care of your hair health if you want to look healthy and aesthetically pleasing!