Can baldness be inherited?

If you notice that your hair has started to fall out, it's not necessarily a big problem. Losing 100 hairs a day is nothing to worry about, as 90% of the 100,000 hair follicles on your head grow back on their own. It is a continuous cycle, with new hair always growing in place of the hair that has died.

Too oily hair can also cause baldness

It's typically an adolescent problem, but there are certainly adult men and women who still struggle with overly oily hair. It's worth taking some good advice on how to manage oily hair.

Bitter reality: what has already fallen out won't grow back

There is certainly no person who hasn't come across ads promising the perfect figure, shiny white teeth and a luscious head of hair if you use their products. They try to find solutions to all our problems. With vitamins, balms, remedies, starting at tens of thousands of forints, the sky's the limit. But what do these miracle products promise?

What is Alopecia?

Latin term alopecia means hair loss, of which there are several types, often affecting not only the scalp but also other parts of the body covered with hair. In addition to the aesthetic consequences, hair loss is also psychologically distressing, even if it may not always be apparent. There are many causes, ranging from hereditary factors, increased stress factors and thyroid problems, but the causes of some types are still unknown and are considered to be autoimmune.

Ne pánikolj, ha Nálad is elkezdődik!

A kopaszság a haj részleges vagy teljes hiányát jelenti. A kopaszodás mértéke és formája sokféle lehet, a leggyakoribb mégis a férfias típusú kopaszodás hivatalos nevén androgén alopéci. Ennek kiváltó oka, hogy zavar támad a hormonális receptorok között.

A módszer előnyei

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