Can baldness be inherited?

If you notice that your hair has started to fall out, it's not necessarily a big problem. Losing 100 hairs a day is nothing to worry about, as 90% of the 100,000 hair follicles on your head will regrow on their own. It is a continuous cycle, with new hair always growing in place of the hair that has died.

Baldness is caused by thinning of the hair in women, but this process is slower in women and less frequent in men. Drugs containing minoxidil can stop baldness in women, but before taking such products, you should always seek the advice of a specialist, which you can do for free by here. clicking

For men, 90% of the blame lies in the genes, as baldness can be inherited, especially from the mother's family side. So it's worth looking at your family tree, especially your maternal grandfather, and you're likely to inherit his baldness.

Usually the head starts to go bald in a horseshoe shape, except in the case of shocks to the body such as surgery, childbirth, the use of certain drugs, severe stress, thyroid problems, when the hair starts to fall out in drastic quantities. Even in this case, if hair is already falling out by the handful, you should visit a hair clinic immediately, because proper treatment is essential at this stage. Moreover, everyone reacts differently to treatments, so the patient's lifestyle and health must be taken into account in each case.