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Can the thyroid gland and hair loss be linked?

Nowadays, almost one in three people, but mostly women, suffer from a disorder in the functioning of the thyroid gland. When it is functioning properly, we don't even realise that we have such an organ. However, when it is over- or under-producing - the latter is more common - it can have serious effects and symptoms.

Typical symptoms of an overactive thyroid include an accelerated heartbeat, bulging eyes and goitre, an enlargement of the thyroid gland that can be felt with the hands. Rapid heartbeat can also have other serious consequences, so it is important to start taking the right medication as soon as possible. In addition to the pills, any lifestyle factors that may pose a threat to blood pressure and the heart should be screened out. These include smoking, alcohol consumption and increased stress.

A more complex symptom is the combined effect of having an underactive thyroid. After all, a deficiency of something is always more obvious. If your thyroid gland is producing less hormone, you may have symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight gain despite your best efforts, frequent constipation, concentration problems and fatigue, irritability, exhaustion, reduced performance, depression, sensitivity to cold. Goitre may also occur in this case, but it is associated with a slower heart rate.
In women, menstrual irregularities and infertility may also be signs of hypothyroidism. Fortunately, this type of hormonal imbalance can be well treated with medication and artificial hormone replacement.

What the two types of thyroid dysfunction have in common is that both are symptomatic of hair loss. Since thyroid hormones regulate, among other things, almost all metabolic processes in our body, this type of hormonal disorder is quickly visible in the skin and hair structure. When the thyroid hormones (trioxin -T4, triiodothyronine - T3) are low, the hair becomes thin, spindly and dull. The skin becomes dull and prone to dryness, including the scalp.

Hormones also affect hair growth. Hormonal imbalances cause hairs to enter their resting phase earlier, so they fall out sooner than normal. Temporary hair loss is not concentrated in one area, but occurs throughout the scalp. The good news is that this type of baldness can be reversed with thyroid medication.

If you are experiencing signs of hair loss, it is definitely worth seeking professional help! Fortunately, abnormal thyroid function can be detected quickly by blood tests, but there may be more complex problems and diseases behind baldness.